Thursday, 15 November 2012

Posters for the learning circle


Learning Circle

Information, public knowledge, tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge, every day knowledge, organizational learning, SECI -model, learning in organization, scientific knowledge,  learning at work, different types of intelligence, wisdom.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Reading list for student teams

Ikujiro Nonaka, Takeuchi Hirotaka (1995), chapter 2: Knowledge and Management
in The Knowledge-Creating Company, Oxford University Press.

Peter Senge and the learning organizations (2010) in
Tacit Knowlidge and Knowledge Conversion (by Nonaka, von Krogh)

Internet Based Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management – 3 articles

Ståhle, Grönroos, Dynamic Intellectual Capital Part  1: Mapping the realm
of knowledge management

Ståhle, Grönroos, Dynamic Intellectual Capital Part 2: Operation and
management of an innovative enterprise 1-6

Ståhle, Grönroos, Dynamic Intellectual Capital Part 2: Operation and
management of an innovative enterprise 7-8

- recommending, aftercourse reading:

Lotte Darsö, Learning-tales of Arts-in-business, Samfudslitteratur , 2004
 Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation. A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers, Wiley 2010.

Course information

Teachers: Marjo Mäenpää, visiting lecturer Heli Aramo-Immonen TUT
Delivery and Working Methods: Lectures, group assignments,
discussions and collaborative knowledge building.

Learning Outcomes: The studies deal with leading and managing creative processes and creative business in media productions.

The studies provide an insight of knowledge management of immaterial and creative production and processes.

--> Lectures, group assignments, discussion and collaborative knowledge building.
Literature and material – specified later by the teacher.

Assessment criteria: presence at the lectures min 80%, active participation and a tasks presented with the help of criteria given at the course. Students will be given articles to read and present in teams - presentations are on Friday.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Preliminary Workshop Program

Monday 12.11
Ateljee: 13-17 Knowledge, knowledge sharing, information visualization

Tuesday 13.11.
Ateljee:13-17 Crowdsoursing day – a lecture and group assignment

Wednesday 14.11. Note the time:
Ateljee: 10-12 Heli Aramo Immonen: Theoretical basis of knowledge management; KM, SECI, knowledge Sharing, outsourcing, inscoursing
Ateljee: 13-17 Learning Circle – knowledge transfer, knowledge management

Thursday: 15.11.
13-17 Knowledge management and creative teams. Group assignments and team work

Friday: 16.11.
Ateljee: 10-15 Presentation of student’s teams